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Frequently Asked Questions

BURIAL RIGHTS Without a specific devise in a will, burial rights in family lots pass from one generation to the next in accordance with the laws of New York State. If you are a direct descendent of a lot owner, you may have a right of burial in the lot. To file an affidavit of … Read more

Note from the President

Dear Friends, At no time in recent history has New York City faced a crisis like COVID-19. Cemeteries, including Green-Wood, have been pushed close to breaking point. The sheer number of deaths we deal with every day has physically and emotionally overwhelmed us. But, at no time in my 48-years at Green-Wood have I ever … Read more


Browse our complete press archive (including news articles, press releases, news videos, and news photos). Also see our photo gallery and film and video pages. For press/media inquiries, please contact Colleen Roche at Linden Alschuler & Kaplan Public Relations (212-329-1413). Recent Highlights: >> Our ceremony commemorating the victims of the United Airlines Flight 826 and … Read more

Spoon River Invite

Please click here to view an expandable version of the invitation image online, and click here to download a printable PDF.

New Beetle Species Discovered at Green-Wood

Through collaboration with the United States Forest Service A new species of Agrilus, a wood-boring insect, was identified during a screening for invasive insects on our grounds, a project conducted in collaboration with the United States Forest Service. Forest Service entomologists analyzed the traits of one of the insects screened, and found it to be … Read more


Green-Wood is the ideal place to enjoy birding, whether you are just starting out or have a more seasoned eye! Green-Wood’s Living Collection of trees, its grasslands, and its four ponds are stop-over habitat for over 185 species of migrating birds annually. To explore the birds of Green-Wood, attend one of our Birding in Peace … Read more

City Nature Challenge: Family Fun with Genspace

child with microscope

Note: This program will proceed as planned. In case of extreme weather, the event may end earlier. Please wear weather appropriate shoes and bring an umbrella. Green-Wood is a great place to get out and explore nature! Join Green-Wood, Genspace educators, and expert naturalist guides for an adventurous morning of family activities that help us … Read more


chapel skyline

Installation on View:September 21st–October 19th10am–4pm Leigh Davis’ audio installation Vigil engages the power of loss and memory through song. The work is rooted in her membership with the Threshold Choir, a community of women continuing the ancient tradition of bedside singing to the dying. The work is installed in Green-Wood’s Historic Chapel, a sacred space that has … Read more

A Lament for Troubled Times

quartet performance

Please note: Performances will take place September 19th and 26th, from 12-3 pm. The program will repeat three times each day, beginning at the top of the hour (12 pm 1 pm, and 2 pm). Seating is limited and on a first come, first seated basis. An RSVP does not guarantee a seat. Attendees can … Read more