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Fun with Fungi: Mushroom Walk for Kids
October 9, 2021 , 10:00am – 11:30am

Green-Wood is a special place for fungi of all kinds. Sigrid Jakob and Potter Palmer, members of the New York Mycological Society and founders of the Green-Wood Fungi Phenology Project, will lead a mushroom walk into the depths of Green-Wood’s lovely and extensive woodlands where all types of fascinating fungi will be encountered: amanita, russula, boletes, agaricus, polypores, puffballs, jellies, even tiny ascomycetes (“dots on sticks,” an often overlooked but ubiquitous fungi that, though difficult to identify, are fascinating to study). Learn how to differentiate the delicious from the deadly and start putting names to some of the city’s more common fall fungi. And come prepared for off-road walking.
This tour is recommended for children, ages 5-14. Children MUST be accompanied by an adult, and all children and adults are required to purchase tickets.
$25 / $20 for members. There are no paper or e-tickets. Attendees will be checked in by name.
The walk is over hilly and uneven terrain, comfortable footwear is encouraged. Click here for our inclement weather policy.
Location: Check-in takes place in the meadow at the Main Entrance at Fifth Avenue and 25th Street. Look for signage.
Not a Member?
Click here for all of our membership levels and information.
Already a Member?
Click the gray tickets button to activate the Eventbrite pop-up, then click Enter promo code. Type in your ID number and apply your discount.
Don’t know your Member ID number? Not sure which ticket or membership type to order? Call 718-210-3080 or email contactus@green-wood.com with any questions.
Mandatory Safety Protocols
– Attendees are strongly encouraged to wear a face covering at all times and maintain at least a 6-foot distance from those not in their group.
– The walk is over hilly and uneven terrain, comfortable footwear is encouraged.
– Follow ALL instructions and guidance from Cemetery staff and ambassadors.
– Travel Safely: Green-Wood recommends following all safety precautions while traveling to and from the Cemetery, whether by foot, mass transit, or driving. If taking mass transit, please check the MTA’s guidelines.
Feeling Sick? Stay home if you are feeling sick or running a temperature. Please use good judgement if you have recently been exposed to someone with COVID-19. For more information about COVID-19, please check the CDC website.
Green-Wood reserves the right to deny entry to any visitor who refuses to comply with the safety guidelines.
If you observe a situation or behavior that does not reflect these protocols, please advise an ambassador or other staff member immediately. With everyone’s cooperation this will be a memorable and safe unique experience.