Heading In The Right Direction

Sometimes showing up is a big part of the battle. But, even if you do show up, you have to make every effort to head in the right direction. I recently heard from Albin Lohr-Jones, who had come across a nice little marble sculpture at Green-Wood. When Albin found it, it looked to his eye like … Read more

Launching NYC’s AGS Chapter

This past Saturday, about 55 people gathered at Green-Wood’s Historic Chapel for the launch of the New York Chapter of the Association for Gravestones Studies. The Association for Gravestone Studies is described on its website as follows: The Association for Gravestone Studies (AGS) was founded in 1977 for the purpose of furthering the study and … Read more

Coming Back From Sandy

Hurricane Sandy hit Green-Wood a year ago today. 300 trees were lost. And those trees took a toll as they crashed to the ground, landing on, and shattering, monuments and fences. But Green-Wood, as always, has bounced back–thanks to its extraordinary workers. In just the last few weeks, two important restoration projects–one of a marble … Read more

Make a Donation

Contributions to our general fund are the most welcome of gifts. We will put your dollars to work right away to help preserve and restore our spectacular landscape and underwrite our many tours, public programs and education. Please click on an option below to contribute. Use the notes box on the next page to indicate … Read more

Open Houses Weekend

Green-Wood recently hosted its third annual “Open Houses” event. It is a great opportunity for volunteers to dress up in costume (from the Theater Development Fund) and get into character, greeting visitors to “their” mausoleums. And it is a wonderful chance for visitors to see Green-Wood as they have never seen it before–an inside look … Read more

A Green-Wood Coming Out Party

We recently held a coming out party in our Historic Chapel to introduce the public to developments in our events, collections, and archives. The evening  was co-sponsored by the Archives Round Table of Metropolitan New York. The proceedings began with a wine and cheese reception outside the Chapel, on a lovely fall evening. Then it … Read more

“Do-Good Green-Wood”

Back in April of last year, I led a tour of Green-Wood for a class of Cooper Union students. At the end of the tour, their instructor, Michael Dorsch, asked me to show them our display of 19th-century vault keys in our offices. I did so and the students were fascinated. In fact, I soon … Read more

Benefit 2013

Last Thursday evening, The Green-Wood Historic Fund held is 6th annual benefit. And it was far and away our best yet! More than 250 people attended. The evening began with a cocktail party at Tranquility Gardens–around the koi pond there. A jazz ensemble serenaded the attendees. Mike Sheehan shot these photographs that tell the story … Read more

“Green-Wood at 175” is Hot Off The Presses

Green-Wood is celebrating its 175th anniversary this year in several special ways. There is a great exhibition, “A Beautiful Way to Go,” at the Museum of the City of New York. We are also posting an entry on our website of Green-Wood-related dates–one for every day this year. And, now, hot off the presses is … Read more

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