“Interior Of A Mandan Lodge”

George Catlin (1796-1872), who is interred at Green-Wood, devoted much of his life to painting American Indians and studying their customs. His art and his writing are a remarkable record of their culture and traditions. On December 1, 2011, this painting by Catlin, “Interior Of A Mandan Lodge,” consigned by the Field Museum in Chicago … Read more

Annual Bird Count Includes Three Saves

Brooklyn’s annual National Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count was held recently at Green-Wood, Prospect Park, Jamaica Bay, and several other spots. Marge Raymond, who led the count at Green-Wood, has participated in it for decades. Green-Wood is a great place to see birds: our trees and shrubs provide seeds and habitat for over-wintering birds and … Read more

“Duncan Phyfe: Master Cabinetmaker in New York”

Last night, I had the honor of attending the preview of the blockbuster exhibition, “Duncan Phyfe: Master Cabinetmaker in New York,” at The Metropolitan Museum. Years in the making, it opens today and will run through May 6. Don’t miss it! As you may recall, I have been covering this story for months now. Almost … Read more

A Bald Eagle Comes For A Visit

Marge Raymond has been birding at Green-Wood for twenty-five years. For the last few years, Marge has been leading trolley tours of Green-Wood for our Historic Fund. Last Wednesday, on her regularly-scheduled weekly tour, Marge walked her group out into Cedar Dell to show them the very early Dutch Reformed brownstone gravestones there. As the … Read more

Great Letterheads

Volunteers continue to process our archives, unfolding thousands of documents and placing them in acid-free folders. You can find out more about our archival processing work here and here. As we have processed these papers, we have made some great discoveries. We have placed particular emphasis on letterheads; Green-Wood undoubtedly has one of the best … Read more

Paul Auster Reading At Green-Wood

On Saturday, we were honored to have novelist Paul Auster in our Historic Chapel, reading from his Sunset Park (which just came out in paperback). It was quite a crowd–a full house in our Historic Chapel of well over 100 people. Auster is a big Green-Wood fan. Not surprisingly for a book with that title, … Read more

On The Prowl . . . At Green-Wood

Simeon Bankoff, executive director of the Historic Districts Council and a leading preservationist, was interviewed recently for the “Sunday Routine” feature in The New York Times. He discusses his favorite things, one of which is Green-Wood: ON THE PROWL I’ll take a walk around the neighborhood or visit Green-Wood Cemetery. I bought a burial plot … Read more

“New York’s A-List Graveyard”

Halloween and a great cemetery–that combination always piques the interest of the media. So, a few weeks ago, reporter Sarah Horne and a photographer (whose name I didn’t get) from the New York Post came out to explore Green-Wood. I showed them around and they were very impressed by the place and its many great … Read more

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