Angel’s Share: Beethoven’s String Quartet No. 15, Op. 132

Beethoven's final String Quartet is an indescribably powerful, transcendently life-affirming masterpiece. Its movements are centered around the towering slow section, which Beethoven wrote after recovering from a terrible illness, solemnly titling it a “Hymn of thanks to God from one who is healed.” In times of despair and division, the beauty of this music remains a balm to the soul, and a reminder of how we can find strength in our darkest moments.

Angel’s Share: Beethoven’s String Quartet No. 15, Op. 132

Beethoven's final String Quartet is an indescribably powerful, transcendently life-affirming masterpiece. Its movements are centered around the towering slow section, which Beethoven wrote after recovering from a terrible illness, solemnly titling it a “Hymn of thanks to God from one who is healed.” In times of despair and division, the beauty of this music remains a balm to the soul, and a reminder of how we can find strength in our darkest moments.