A Story Stitched in Time: The Life Of Rosena Disery
Every object tells a story—and this one-of-a kind embroidered piece in the collections of The New-York Historical Society is no different. In 2011, Margaret K. Hofer, now vice president and museum director at N-YHS was contacted by an antiques dealer who had come across a rare find: a sampler (a demonstration of embroidery technique) made ... Read more
The Freedom Series
Green-Wood Cemetery 500 25th Street, Brooklyn@media screen and (min-width:768px){.ugb-3dcde3c.ugb-heading{margin-top:0px !important;margin-bottom:0px !important}}Francesca Harper How does it feel to be free? After more than a year of quarantining and social distancing, director, dancer, and choreographer Francesca Harper invites us to celebrate community and new opportunities to gather together with this unique interactive dance performance. Gathering in the open air and lush greenery ... Read more