Burial and Vital Records: 1840-1937

Green-Wood is proud to announce our new searchable database of detailed burial records from 1840 to 1937. How is this different from Green-Wood’s Burial Search? This data goes way beyond the basics. Recorded in a series of handwritten ledgers updated daily by Cemetery administrators over its first century, these records contain not only name, interment date, and location in the Cemetery, but additional demographic data. Each record includes age at death in years, months, and days; cause of death; place of birth; most recent street address; marital status, name of the undertaker, and other data points.

Getting Started

To locate records, start by entering a search term in the bar. Our Search Guide provides detailed instructions and suggestions for searching the database, including how to execute Boolean, Fuzzy, Phrase, Fielded, and Wildcard searches to create a highly specific and effective database query. If you are looking to search a specific data field, we recommend using a Fielded Search for best results. You can find full descriptions of what is included in each data field here. The search box on the left side of your screen is still being optimized.

If you encounter an error in the data, or have further questions, please email archives@green-wood.com. (Responses and corrections may take some time as this database is still being refined, please be patient.) If you are interested in additional information from Green-Wood’s archives, consider our genealogy services.

*Please note, this series only includes records from the specified time period. To search basic information on other interments, use our Burial Search.

Online access to the Burial and Vital Records: 1840-1937 is made possible through generous grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, and The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation. Read more about this project here or in this press release.


