No Longer Headless

This angel, in front of a tomb near Fort Hamilton Parkway, recently lost its head. Fortunately, Frank Morelli, our supervisor in charge of the Green-Wood Restoration Program, found it in a nearby urn. And its now back in place. Below are photos of it clamped, waiting for the adhesive to set, as well as with … Read more

No Longer Forgotten

Since 2002, The Green-Wood Historic Fund’s Civil War Project has been identifying Civil War veterans who are buried there, writing biographies for each of them, and making sure that each lies in a marked grave. For those whom we have discovered in unmarked graves, we have requested gravestones from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Duncan Phyfe: Legendary Cabinetmaker

Few names are as big in American furniture making as Duncan Phyfe (1768-1854). And, of course, Phyfe is one of Green-Wood Cemetery’s permanent residents. For generations, dealers and collectors have tried to attribute American furniture made in the first half of the 19th century to Phyfe. His name was magic–it meant the best. Above is … Read more

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

Green-Wood Cemetery stretches across 478 acres. It has 561,000 permanent residents. Tens of thousands of monuments have been placed across its grounds. So, there never comes a time when you’ve seen it all. I’ve been wandering the cemetery grounds since 1990 and often see things I’ve never noticed before. A big “thank you” to Katie … Read more

For Your Island: The Green-Wood Cemetery

From Hofstra University’s “For Your Island” series. Green-Wood historian Jeff Richman is interviewed about the history of Green-Wood while showing of the fall beauty of the cemetery. Fall, 2009 For Your Island: The Green-Wood Cemetery from Green-Wood Discovery on Vimeo.

The Green-Wood Cemetery playlist on YouTube

As part of our effort to add new and interesting content to the blog, we have set up a video playlist on YouTube about all things Green-Wood. See documentaries about the cemetery, visitor’s movies of their tour of the grounds, events and even some experimental videos too. If you know of any videos on YouTube … Read more

The Green-Wood Cemetery channel on Vimeo

As part of our effort to add new and interesting content to the blog, we have set up a video channel on Vimeo about all things Green-Wood. See documentaries about the cemetery, visitor’s movies of their tour of the grounds, events and even some experimental videos too. If you know of any videos on Vimeo … Read more

Weltspiegel: Green-Wood Cemetery video

ARD German TV visits The Green-Wood Cemetery during the fall of 2009 for their Weltspiegel series. The show interviews Green-Wood president Richard J. Moylan, Green-Wood guide Marge Raymond and highlights the 2009 performance of Angels & Accordions, part of openhousenewyork.

Back On Top

Art Presson, Green-Wood Cemetery’s superintendent of the grounds, is a jack of all trades. Trained as a horiculturist, he designs gardens and plantings. He is in charge of the grounds crew, figuring out what has to be done and assigning workers to do it. He is responsible for selecting sites for new trees and determining … Read more

A Sign of The Times

From its earliest years, the grounds of the Green-Wood Cemetery have been graced by cast iron signs marking its streets and paths. Unfortunately, even cast iron doesn’t always last forever. Some of the original signs have been crushed under falling trees and branches. Others have been run over by carriages and cars. Just three or … Read more

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