New York City is composed of five boroughs. I know that’s true; I’ve checked my map. But sometimes it seems that Brooklyn is just too far away for those who inhabit the island of Manhattan. I remember doing a book fair in Central Park three or so years ago and trying to explain to those Manhattanites where Green-Wood Cemetery was. The typical reaction: heading all the way over to Brooklyn was about as likely as a trip to North Dakota.
And, in this context, I happened to catch Brian Williams, host of NBC’s Nightly News, on the “Morning Joe” show a few days ago. Brian, who for my money is very funny, was asked a solemn question: the biggest media story of 2010. And his answer: The New York Times‘ discovery of Brooklyn.

Here’s Brian!
And here’s the video. Enjoy!
So, how about a New Year’s resolution from all of you on the west side of the East River: this coming year, I am going to take an excursion out to the newly-discovered Brooklyn, to one of the world’s great cemeteries, to an amazing place of trees, gardens, sculpture, architecture, bird-life, and history, Brooklyn’s Green-Wood Cemetery. We are only one block from the subway stop at 25th Street and 4th Avenue–a short ride from Manhattan. Come visit!